
Image of the Pokedex project

A simple website that lists all Pokémon separated by generation. I had the desire to create this project as it is something many developers create in their early stages. To make it less basic and simple, I implemented the ability to inspect the Pokémon by clicking on them. With this functionality, I was able to test the dynamic routing feature of Next.js.

Poke API
Tailwind Css
Material Ui

Multiplayer Game

Image of the Multiplayer Game project

I created this game to enhance my skills with Node.js and Websockets. The game involves a competition to acquire the most fruits. I still have ideas to implement and make it even better. One of my goals is to add a chat feature.

Tailwind Css

Completion of IFRS course

Image of the Completion of IFRS course project

This game was created as the culmination of the Internet Computing course at IFRS. The challenge was to create the entire code without external dependencies. So, the parts related to movement, sprites, combat, inventory, and more were developed by me. As it was my first time attempting to create something of this scale, time ran out to finish it.


Periodic Table

Image of the Periodic Table project

This project was created to conclude the second year of the Internet Computing course at IFRS. We talked to our chemistry teacher about what would be interesting to create, and since we had a colleague with visual impairment, he suggested creating a periodic table that could be used. Also, considering the topic, we thought of a way to change the color of the elements in case the user has color blindness.


Snake Game

Image of the Snake Game project

I undertook this project because I wanted to create a desktop program. In my research, I discovered the existence of Electron and realized it was possible to use React with it. Since I have a strong desire to create games, I thought of making a basic game using this technology.


Node.js API

Image of the Node.js API project

An API with authentication and connection to the MongoDB database. The goal was to learn how to create a Node.js API and connect it to MongoDB. I also took the opportunity to read about RFC 7807 and implement this standard.

RFC 7807